Saturday Training - Lancaster Road dojo. 2:30pm - 4:00pm
Wednesday Training - Lancaster Road dojo. 7:30pm - 9:00pm

Saturday 10th August - Instructor Training

For all enquiries please Whatsapp us on - 07504 586072

karate classes for everybody age 7+ years

For all enquiries please
Whatsapp us on - 07504 586072

Please Note - for insurance reasons, we do not train children 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 years of age. Children training starts at 7 years old.

Saturday Training - Lancaster Road dojo. 2:30pm - 4:00pm
Wednesday Training - Lancaster Road dojo. 7:30pm - 9:00pm
Saturday 10th August - Instructor Training

Please Note - for insurance reasons, we do not train children 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 years of age. Children training starts at 7 years old.

For all enquiries please Whatsapp us on - 07504 586072

Enfield Karate Training

Junior classes are run by Richard Forster 4th Dan

Wednesday 7:30pm - 8:30pm - Honbu Dojo: Lancaster Rd Community of Christ Church Hall
Saturday 2:30pm - 3:30pm - Honbu Dojo: Lancaster Rd Community of Christ Church Hall

Please Note - for insurance reasons, we do not train children 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 years of age. Children training starts at 7 years old.

Enfield Junior Karate Club has been running children's karate classes since 1990 and takes children of all abilities from the age of 7 years -16 years.

The junior karate classes run for 60 minutes are completely separate from adult classes. Enfield Karate Club instructors ensure all children enjoy their training in a happy, safe and disciplined environment. Parents and teachers often comment on the improvement in schoolwork and behaviour from children who train regularly. Karate training helps improve health, self confidence, self esteem and produce a sense of worth with all our students.

Our children's karate program teaches much more than martial arts, it teaches students to be good citizens and helps prepare them for their future lives. The young students at the Club are treated with respect and are taught to respect others. We also instill in our students that wherever possible conflict should be resolved in a non violent manner.

Like our adult classes the children learn the basic techniques of punching, kicking and blocking (kihon), stances, pre-arranged sparring (kumite) and solo drills (kata).

Enfield Junior Karate Club has a wealth of good instructors and classes with grading's held every 3 months, which are not compulsory but are the way the children progress to a different coloured belt.

All Instructions are DBS checked and fully first aid qualified.

Interested in joining our Junior Karate classes

For more information about training with Enfield Karate Club

Please Note - for insurance reasons, we do not train children 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 years of age. Children training starts at 7 years old.

Get in touch
Whatsapp : 07504 586072

Free gi with membership

Enfield Karate Adult Training

Our club runs beginners courses for both men and women of all ages (the current age range of the class is 16-71 yrs), and also welcomes more advanced karateka of any style who wish to advance their knowledge of karate-do.

Karate training will improve fitness, self confidence and overall well-being. In today's high stress environment more and more people are training to help them cope with the pressures of everyday life as well as the fighting technique benefits. The new student will begin with learning basic techniques (punching, kicking, blocking) and stances, before moving on to pre-arranged sparring (kumite) and solo drills (kata).

The student will then progress to learning advanced fighting technique applications in two person and solo drills, which are presented in a safe, effective and non-competitive way. We believe that through a combination of physical training and personal introspection, correctly taught karate training can bring out the best in everyone and help them to achieve their goals in life.

The classes are both physically and mentally challenging whatever level the student is at, whether a complete beginner or a someone with many years experience. As the Club has a wealth of senior dan grades, classes are normally split according to grade and technical ability.

No matter what experience the student may have, all the instructors try to offer a supportive environment and treat everyone with respect and dignity.

Interested in joining our Adult Karate classes

For more information about training with Enfield Karate Club

Adult Karate Enquiries
Whatsapp : 07504 586072

Free gi with membership

Training with Enfield Karate Club

Enfield Karate Club is dedicated to providing good quality karate training to men women and children of all ages. As well as fighting techniques, good health and character improvement are the clubs main goals. Enfield Karate Club has been teaching karate for over 30 years, practised by men women and children of all ages.

Karate training will improve health, self confidence and overall well-being. Parents and teachers regularly report on the improvement in school work and behaviour of children who train regularly. Shotokan is a style of karate developed by an Okinawan teacher Gichin Funakoshi who introduced it to Japan in 1922. Shotokan has become the most widely practised style of karate in the world.

Each Session Includes -

Shotokan Family Roots

Gichin Funakoshi - Founder of Shotokan Karate-Do

Gichin Funakoshi is the founder of Shotokan Karate-Do, perhaps the most widely known style of karate, and is known as a "father of modern karate".
Following the teachings of Anko Itosu and Anko Asato, he was one of the Okinawan karate masters who introduced karate to the Japanese mainland in 1922.

Masatoshi Nakayama - Japanese master of Shotokan karate

Masatoshi Nakayama was an internationally famous Japanese master of Shotokan karate.

He helped establish the Japan Karate Association (JKA) in 1949, and wrote many textbooks on karate, which served to popularize his martial art.

For almost 40 years, until his death in 1987, Nakayama worked to spread Shotokan karate around the world.
He was the first master in Shotokan history to attain the rank of 9th dan while alive, and was posthumously awarded the rank of 10th dan.

Hirokazu Kanazawa - Chief instructor and President of the Shotokan Karate-Do International Federation

Hirokazu Kanazawa is a Japanese teacher of Shotokan karate. He is the Chief instructor and President of the Shotokan Karate-Do International Federation, an organisation he founded after he left the Japan Karate Association (JKA). Kanazawa is ranked 10th dan in karate

"The basic of Karate is "sport" and that is important
But Karate as Budo (Martial Arts) is even more important
As education for children
As courage-catalyser for youth
As disiplined and cultivated life style for adults
And good physical condition for the elderly
Karate is so universally good, that's why I am doing it.
Hirokazu Kanazawa (金澤 弘和, Kanazawa Hirokazu, 3 May 1931 – 8 December 2019)

Seishin-Ryu’s guide to Dan Levels in Karate

Seishin-Ryu’s guide to Dan Levels in Karate outlines the criteria and qualities expected at each level of black belt (Dan) in Karate-Do.
Here's a breakdown of what each Dan level represents:

Shodan (1st Dan):

Nidan (2nd Dan):

Sandan (3rd Dan):

Yondan (4th Dan):

Godan (5th Dan):

Rokudan (6th Dan):

Nanadan (7th Dan):

Hachidan (8th Dan):

These Dan levels not only reflect the practitioner's technical proficiency but also their commitment to personal development, leadership, and contribution to the art of Karate.
Advancing through these levels requires continuous training, self-improvement, and dedication to the principles of Karate-Do.

Enfield Karate Club Lead Safeguarding and Welfare Officer

Kim Shephard
Honbu Dojo: Lancaster Rd
Community of Christ Church Hall
49 Lancaster Rd

Whatsapp : 07504 586072
e-mail : enfieldkarate@hotmail.comEnfield Karate Club Safeguarding and Welfare Pack - Download Here


Enfield Karate Training Sessions

Saturday Training: 14:00 - 16:30hrs
14:00 – 15:00 - Juniors, any grade 7 - 15 years old
15:00 – 16:00 - Children over 16 years, adults of any grade
16:00 – 16:30 - Advanced karate training - children and adults 3rd Kyu and above

Wednesday Training: 18:30 - 21:00hrs
18:30 - 19:30 - Juniors, any grade 7 - 15 years old
19:30 - 21:00 - Advanced karate training, all adults (any grade) plus children (3rd Kyu and above) welcome to attend

Honbu Dojo: Lancaster Rd
Community of Christ Church Hall
49 Lancaster Rd